Email to tell others
If you would like to email others to tell them about this letter & ask them to sign it, feel free to use/modify the script below:
Title: Please sign this letter to Health Canada to support a plant based option in the next version of the Canada Food Guide
My name is Dr Subhas Ganguli – I am a gastroenterologist at McMaster University who has come to realise the value of a whole-food plant based diet in preventing and reversing the majority of chronic disease.
The current Canada Food Guide is in the process of being revised (you can give your feedback here)
I and others who understand the importance to health and the environment of a plant-based option are writing a letter of support to Health Canada.
Please review the letter at the link below where you can also sign it (or email me at with your name/qualifications and location of practice): http://www.foodasprevention. com/submission-for-next- canada-food-guide/
With thanks,
Subhas Ganguli MD FRCPC